Ajmaleen is effective medicine in reducing blood pressure. It helps in reducing blood pressure slowly and makes it in normal range. It also eliminates agitation, perplexity, insomnia and restlessness. The...
Potentiates the vital organs. Preserves potency and vigor. Effective in chronic pains.Effective herbal preparation for preserving potency and vigor by potentiating the vital organs. Cinnamomum cassia and Delphinium denudattum are...
Regulates the digestive system. Increases appetite and dissolves flatus. Refreshing for heart and brain.Proven medicine for potentiating digestive system. Foeniculum vulgare and Mentha piperiata are carminative, digestive and appetizer in...
Tea Tree Oil has antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic properties. Powerful in treating wounds Helps get rid of skin ailments like blemishes, acne etc. Directions: For external use only. Suggested usage: - For...
Purgain by Awami Laboratories provides relief from symptoms of constipation. Ipomoea Turpethum is considered therapeutically effective in fever, jaundice, liver disorders and also considered as best for laxative action. Fast...
Specific medicine for sexual debility and functional impotence. Rejuvenate vigor and vitality by improving lack of libido. Proven medicine for the treatment of sexual debility and functional impotance. Acacia Arabica,...
An effective herbal stimulant and tonic for sexual organs, improves libido, maintains vigor, virility, increases the thickness of seminal fluid and especially effective for sexual debility.Laboob Khas Jawahar Wala is...
An effective harbal remedy for headache, migraine, cerebral diseases specially epilepsy, melancholia, catarrh and helps in excretion of phlegmatic fluid. Effective in headache and migraine An effective harbal remedy Effective...
Castor Oil by Awami Laboratories is used as a natural laxative. CompositionEach 5ml contains: Ricinus Cummunis 11.5 g Primary Indications Constipation Fungal infections Hair Dryness Suggested Usage For adults: Take...