It is a Natural Blood Purifier. Blood is a specialized body fluid that delivers necessary substances to the body cells i.e. nutrients, oxygen and transport waste products away from the...
It supplement consisting of the highest quality ingredients available that will enhance the production of seminal fluid. It helps to nourish kidney and bladder. Increases fertility in man Increases sperm...
Leucorrhoea is one of the diseases peculiar to women. It is very troublesome disease which adversely affects the female beauty and elegance and causes the gradual decline of health. The...
Product Description Safuf Mehzal reduces obesity. Its regular use slims and shapes the body by gradually reducing the extra fat. It inhibits fatty acid synthesis, reduces the cholesterol levels. It...
Majun raig mahi is very useful and competent medicine used in the treatment of sexual strength, premature ejaculation and low sperm count. Its active ingredient is palemon curtinus, commonly known as jhinga machli which...
There are over 350 different types of aloe, only four really has the beneficial effects. Aloe Vera has been put in numerous products and it is important for the consumer...
Marhaba Joshanda is an effective herbal remedy for flu, cough and cold. It relieves nasal congestion and swelling of throat. Usages: Boil the whole sachet in water, filter it and...
Hamdard Somina is a formulation of kernels and seeds powder that helps in energizing and restoring CNS functions. It relieves mental exhaustion, fatigue and insomnia. It is beneficial for anxiety,...