In a world increasingly dominated by products containing chemicals and processed ingredients, herbal products are considered to be a great way to reduce side effects and damage to skin or health or the environment.
Lal sharbat is the best remedy for the all kinds of chest diseases such as weakness of lungs, trauma, respiratory disorders etc. It is an Expectorant, Vasodilator, Decongestant, Antihistaminic and...
Helpful in conditions like blood and pus in saliva and thirst. Supportive to strengthen the heart and brain. Useful to reduce redness in eyes. Suggested Use: 125 to 250 mg...
Effective for hepatic disorders and anemia. Improves liver functioning. Helpful for improving general iron deficiency in the body. Suggested Use: 125 to 250 mg Faulad Murakab mixed in 5 gm...
Effective for cardiovascular diseases. Helpful in relieving mental stress and Improves eyesight. Suggested Use: 250 to 500 mg Marjan Murakab mixed in 5 gm (1/2 teaspoon) Khameera Gaozuban Ambri two...
Effective nervine tonic. Useful in nervine weakeness, palpitation and melancholia. Effective in chronic cough and flu.Excellent preparation of herbs for heart, brain and ophthalmia. Borago officinalis potentiates the functioning of...
Useful heart, brain, and nervine tonic. Effective in flu, dyspnea, and asthma. Normalizes high blood pressure. Suggested Use: For Adults: 5gm (1/2 teaspoon two times a day). For Children: 2.5gm...
An effective herbal remedy for regulating the function of liver, stomach and intestines. Useful as an appetizer and for bad breath or halitosis. An effective herbal remedy Regulates the function...
An effective herbal remedy for gastric problems, also effective in backache and excessive micturition. An effective herbal remed Effective remedy for gastric problems Effective in backache Effective in excessive micturition...
Relieves constipation, reduces blood cholesterol, effective for acidity and dysentery. Relieves constipation Reduces blood cholesterol Effective for acidity and dysentery All Natural As for the efficacy of the husk of...