In a world increasingly dominated by products containing chemicals and processed ingredients, herbal products are considered to be a great way to reduce side effects and damage to skin or health or the environment.
Khameera Gaozaban is an herbal medicine having good taste and efficacy. Potent cardiac and nervine tonic. Relieves both bronchial rash and cold. Tones up eye muscles. Relieves both bronchial rash...
It is cardiac, liver and cerebral tonic.Effective in convalescences from typhoid and influenza.It normalizes excessive palpitation and effective for cardiac weakness. Usages:Take 15gm with a glass of milk in morning...
It is aphrodisiac. It cures spermatorrhoea. It relieves in premature ejaculation. It thickens semen. Premature ejaculation Cures spermatorrhoea. Thickens semen Aphrodisiac Dosage: 10 gm (1 teaspoonful) Once a day with...
It is an aphrodisiac. It controls Spermatorrhea. Effective in premature ejaculation. It gives relief in backache. Controls Spermatorrhea Relief in backache. Premature Ejaculation Dosage: 10 GM (One Teaspoonful) with milk...
Cures diseases associated with cold, like headache , conjunctivitis and ear pain.Strengthens brain, stomachbeneficial in piles.Eradicates flatus and excessive body heat.Useful in vertigo and chronic cold. Dosage: 10 gm(one teaspoonful) at...
Marhaba Itrifal Ustukhuddus is a brain tonic. It improves eyesight and retains hair colour black for a long time.Cleans cephalic region from impurities and relieves headache.Strengthens stomach and intestines and...
Itrifal Zamani is a good laxative and cleans GIT effectively. It cures flue, cold and colic pain. Acts as a mild laxative. Cleans the intestines from toxic waste materials. Beneficial...
Jawarish Amla Sada contains Amla. It improves digestive system. It is equally useful in diarrhoea. Useful in dysentery and diarrhoea. Stomachic appetizing Cerebral and cardiac tonic. Anti-tachycardia. Alterative and refrigerant...
Effective in cough, cold, flu and chest diseases. Lowers the intensity of fever and excessive thirst. Helps in excreting bile. Suggested Use:Children: 5gm (1/2 teaspoon two times a day) with...