In a world increasingly dominated by products containing chemicals and processed ingredients, herbal products are considered to be a great way to reduce side effects and damage to skin or health or the environment.
An effective herbal remedy in swelling and pain of throat (Pharyngitis), hoarseness of voice and sore throat. Useful for relieving the soreness and irritation of throat, Sharbat Toot Siah is...
Effective herbal remedy for cold, flu, rash and bronchitis. Expectorant and decongestant. Relieves dyspnoea. Effective herbal remedy for cold, flu, rash and bronchitis Relieves dyspnoea Effective medicine for the diseases...
Sharbat Faulad of Qarshi is a compound of fine quality iron and other components which provide energy to nerves and stomach. It is well known tonic of Unani and Ayurvedic...
Useful herbal remedy for catarrh, cough, headache and irritation of throat. Good cure for catarrh, cough and cold Useful for fever and headache Useful for soreness of throat Also useful...
Action: Shafai is a compound medicine of Rauwalfia serpentina (asrol) which yields wonderful results to the patients of high blood pressure or hypertension. It is helpful in emotional and functional...
Strengthens the bones by eliminating general deficiency of calcium in all ages. Effective for premature ejaculation and leucorrhoea. Provides natural calcium for general growth of children.Excellent medicine for the treatment...
Effective in diarrhoea Strengthens the bones by providing calcium Strengthening digestive system Indication: Effective in diarrhoea, indigestion and constipation. Strengthens the bones by providing calcium. Prevents from marsamus by nourishing...
Effective application for neuromuscular pain, articular pain, sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis and sprains.Excellent herbal preparation for instant relief from body pains and sprains. Peganum hermala, Curcuma longa and Myristica fragrans are...
An effective herbal remedy that relieves flatulence, acidity, heat of extremities, dyspepsia and anorexia. Also effective in nausea, vomiting. An effective herbal remedy that relieves flatulence, Effective remedy for acidity,...