Effective in relieving the inflammation of liver, stomach, intestines, spleen and uterus. Relieves excessive heat of body and is effective as a diuretic. Useful in dropsy and liver diseases.
Excellent medicine for treatment of inflammation. Solanum nigrum is therapeutically recognized as diuretic and anti-inflammatory herbal ingredient.
- Effective in relieving the inflammation of liver, stomach,
- Effective for intestines, spleen and uterus issues
- Relieves excessive heat of body and is effective as a diuretic
- Useful in dropsy and liver diseases
- Anti inflammatory
- A herbal product
For children up to 12 years: 4 teaspoonful.
For adults above 12 years: 40 ml (1/4 Tea cup) twice a day.
Storage Instruction: Keep in cool and dry place.
Package: Box
Note: You may find suspended particles in Arq which are active ingredients released by the extracts and kept purposefully as they are good for health, so shake the bottle before use.