Effective herbal remedy for cold, flu, rash and bronchitis. Expectorant and decongestant. Relieves dyspnoea.
- Effective herbal remedy for cold, flu, rash and bronchitis
- Relieves dyspnoea
- Effective medicine for the diseases of lungs
- Best for the treatment of chest diseases
- Also very effective for the treatment of ordinary cough
An effective medicine for the diseases of lungs. Sharbat Sadar has successfully been used for the treatment of chest diseases for centuries. Our R & D Cell has conducted many experiments on sharbat sadar in light of modern research. As a result, this syrup can now produce its results in the shortest possible time. The use of Qarshi Sharbat Sadar is very effective for the treatment of ordinary cough, dry cough, and the cough causing fits, catarrh and cold.
Side Effects: No side effects reported.
Indications: Bronchitis, Cold, Dyspnoea, Flu, Lung complaints.
Children: 1 teaspoonful thrice a day.
Adults: 2 teaspoonfuls mixed with lukewarm water thrice a day or as directed by the physician.