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A useful and effective medicine to cure enlarged and inflammed gland without surgery. In old age, the prostate gland gets inflammed or enlarged, that interrupts or completely stops the flow of urine. This condition is very distressing and painful for the patient. In allopathic, the enlargement of prostate gland is treated by surgery whereas in Qarshi Matab it is treated by Prostnal.
Action: Prostnal brings the enlarged gland to its normal size. There is no more interruption in the flow of urine and the patient recovers without surgery. The use of Prostnal before making a decision for surgery may yield good results. The use of diuretic Urosenal along with Prostnal expedites the recovery of the patient. Prostnal also regulates the functioning of prostate gland.
Side Effects: No side effects reported.
Indications: Inflammation of prostate glands, enlargement of prostate glands, inflammation of urinary bladder, pain of urinary bladder, inflammation of urinary tract.
Dosage: 15 gm(1/2 teaspoon ) powder with water twice a day or as directed by the physician.